Award-Winning Evidence-Based Hypnotherapy Services, Executive Coaching, and Cognitive Therapy for Stress, Anxiety, Burnout, and More

James Rose

'Corporate Therapy Specialist of the Year'

Corporate LiveWire 2023

Experience Our Evidence-Based Approach: Book Your Free Consultation Today

Evidence-Based Solutions: Personalized Therapy Including Hypnotherapy Services, Executive Coaching Services, and Cognitive Therapy for Stress, Anxiety, Burnout, & More

Begin Your Transformation with Hypnotherapy Services, Executive Coaching, and Cognitive Therapy

Embark on a thoughtfully tailored exploration with me, placing a strong emphasis on proven, science-backed techniques, bespoke solutions, and practical, sustainable approaches tailored to your own journey. Whether you're overcoming workplace challenges to optimizing performance, including the complexities of corporate relationships, navigating career and life transitions, addressing emotional challenges, questioning limiting beliefs, or dealing with cognitive distortions, rest assured that I'm here to guide you through the intricacies of your professional and personal narrative.

Take the first step toward your success—schedule a consultation and let's chart a strategic course together in the corporate landscape. Your journey is unique, and my commitment is to provide individualized attention to help you achieve unparalleled success.

Hypnotherapy with James Rose - A man in a suit and white shirt.
Hypnotherapy with James Rose - A man in a suit and white shirt.

Empower Your Performance, Mental Health, and Well-being

Recognizing the importance of addressing challenges can significantly boost your overall health health, emotional well-being, and performance.

Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, facing recurring obstacles, or simply seeking guidance, I offer confidential therapy and executing coach to help you navigate the demands of life and leadership.

I'm here to guide you through pivotal moments and empower your journey towards lasting success.

When Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Therapy, and Evidence-Based Executive Coaching Can Help:

  • Feeling overwhelmed at work or home? I can help you manage stress and improve your overall well-being.

  • Facing recurring challenges? We can work together to develop strategies to overcome them.

  • Finding it difficult to talk about your concerns? I offer a safe and confidential space for open communication.

  • Want to understand the root causes of your struggles? My work can help you gain self-awareness and develop targeted solutions.

  • Feeling stuck or ready to reach your full potential? I can help you build resilience, improve focus, and navigate major transitions.

James Rose

'Best Bespoke Therapeutic Solutions Provider'

UK Enterprise Awards 2020

Chris (Finance Director)

I faced constant challenges in high-stakes situations, struggling with impaired cognitive function and the pressure to recall and deliver information. James provided invaluable guidance. Through personalized techniques and practical tools, he not only helped me navigate stress-induced cognitive issues but equipped me with strategies for real-time performance. Thanks to James, I now approach demanding situations with clarity and confidence, enhancing my overall professional effectiveness.

Alex (Tech Executive)

I battled with Impostor Syndrome for years, feeling like I didn't deserve the success I achieved. Seeking James's support was a turning point. Through targeted sessions, we unraveled the roots of my self-doubt. James's insights and strategies not only helped me overcome Impostor Syndrome but empowered me to step into my professional role with authenticity and confidence. I am grateful for the transformative journey he guided me through.

Client Transformations in Anxiety, Burnout, and Stress Management: Testimonials